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Mirrorless cameras are the future of digital photography

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DSLRs are considered the standard for pristine, quality photos. They are now affordable and so they are the no-brainer option for most beginners and professional photographers. Mirrorless cameras have been around for more than a decade now, but the improvements made since then, make them the future of professional cameras. Practically anyone who shoots video, for professional work or for personal YouTube vlogging these days, should consider one. Mirrorless cameras began life with prices like those of entry-level DSLR cameras. Today, there are models spec’d much higher, and priced like professional DSLRs. There is a reason for that; they might be the future of cameras, blending the comforts and ease of point-and-shoot cameras, phones and the quality of DSLR cameras. One could go as far as to say, they might even be better.

Traditional film and DSLR cameras used a mirror element in front of the sensor, the component that captures images. The mirror would flip open when you pressed the shutter release button, exposing the sensor for a set time. The mirror was in place to enable the user to view the frame, through the lens, which would otherwise be impossible, considering the sensor sits right behind it. The mirror would deflect the view into a penta-prism, projecting the view onto an optical eyepiece.
Enter mirrorless cameras. The mirror is nowhere to be seen and the camera looks a lot simpler too. It mimics the look of some compact point-and-shoot cameras. Looks can be deceiving though. The sensor onboard on most mirrorless cameras today are the same size as any other DSLR. This means, you get the same, great picture quality as a DSLR. Most mirrorless cameras come with an APS-C sized sensor, some even with full-frame sensors. Full-frame sensors are usually found on high-end, professional DSLRs that run into several lakhs. Mirrorless cameras still have a viewfinder in some cases, and you get a large screen at the back. The eyepiece on a mirrorless camera is a digital one, not an optical one like DSLRs. Most good mirrorless cameras include great quality displays, so they are just as good as any optical one.

The mirrorless design has several advantages, because of its simplistic design. It’s much easier to maintain and repair, being some of them. There are no clumsy, physical components to go wrong. The good news is that mirrorless cameras also start from as low Rs. 39,900, and they are easy to use, even easier than DSLRs. Don’t be surprised by the number of features either. Most entry-level mirrorless cameras boast of 4K recording along with the standard set of features. 4K doesn’t appear in DSLR cameras until you go up the price range.
There are other enhancements as well. Mirrorless cameras have superior focusing speeds. DSLR cameras are fast but the focusing speeds on most mirrorless camera can be just that bit faster. This comes down to the fact that mirrorless cameras use many more focus points than DSLRs. A more prominent feature of mirrorless cameras is the responsiveness of the shutter release button. With no mirror to move out of the way when the user presses the shutter release, mirrorless cameras are practically instantaneous at capturing photos. This is useful when you are capturing fast  action, such as a plane taking off, a fast car or bird, or even a group photo, when you need everyone’s limited attention at the camera.

Not only does the lack of a mirror improve its performance, the lack of the bulky mechanism means these cameras can be lighter, more compact and make very little noise. In fact, they can be so quiet, they employ speakers and artificial sounds to mimic the shutter noise of a DSLR.
The burst speed of mirrorless cameras is also better. It brings less fatigue to the camera, unlike DSLRs. Where most entry-level DSLR cameras boast of continuous shooting speeds of 4-6fps, mirrorless cameras in the similar price range can exceed 10-12 frames per second. Imagine shooting 12 photos a second and being able to choose the best one.

Most camera manufacturers only offered a few models when the technology was in its nascent stages, but today, there are plenty of models and kits to choose from. The same goes for the lenses. There are plenty of lens options from the camera manufacturers them self, but there are also third-party manufacturers producing both lenses and mounts. Some of these mount adapters enable mirrorless camera users to choose lenses built for traditional DSLR cameras. So, if you choose correctly, you could use your older DSLR camera lenses on a mirrorless.
Mirrorless cameras are up to date in every aspect. Practically every model comes with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Even touchscreens are common, and they make operation much simpler. Not only is it great to navigate through the menus but you can easily touch the screen to focus on your subject, like you would on a smartphone. The Wi-Fi and Bluetooth features make it easy to pair with other devices such as smartphones. You can use them to transfer large amounts of data wirelessly, without ever having to touch a cable or a laptop. You can then quickly share media straight to social media services using your smartphone, or even control the camera remotely.
The mirrorless design has enabled cameras to be much more compact and that’s particular great in this day and age, where many of us shoot videos rather than only click photos. The sheer bulk of YouTube content comes from contributors, and a lightweight, easy-to-setup and mount, mirrorless camera is perfect for this task. Remember that a lot of these cameras also come with 4K video recording so you can be truly ready to create high-quality, professional footage from the palm of your hand. Even the traditional features found on DSLRs are present. These include a mount so you can use tripods and other stabilizing devices. There is even a flash mount and a variety of flash models to choose from. You aren’t losing out in any way if you choose to go in for a mirrorless camera.

Reliance Digital sells several cameras that range from point-and-shoots, to DSLRs and even mirrorless models. Now is a good time to consider one, whether you’re looking to click photos, do some casual video shooting, or professional YouTube video blogging. There are plenty of options you can choose from, online at RelianceDigital.in or at your nearest Reliance Digital store.