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Are you drinking sufficient water?

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What is tasteless, colourless and odourless but essential for all? Inorganic chemistry calls it Oxidane, we call it Water (H2O). Most of us know that water is essential for our body to function. We could survive three weeks without food but would only live three to four days without water.

We conducted a survey with a small group of people (aged 25 to 45 years) to get insights on their water drinking habits. Everyone responded that tap water was their primary source of drinking water. When people were asked how much water they drank daily, majority of them said that they consume nearly 2 to 2.5 litres per day, primarily in the morning and during meals with intervals between 30 minutes and an hour. In addition to water, only one person in our survey said they consumed milk, salad and fruits daily. Only two of them stated they drink more water in summers than in winter and the rains.

A report published by the Journal of Biological Chemistry says that average human body is made of 60 to 70 per cent water. Many drink water to quench their thirst, but that isn’t enough for a human body to function properly. Some believe that a litre per day is enough to keep the body hydrated, but that isn’t enough either. Staying healthy means following some healthy habits. Few people in our survey start their day with a glass of water instead of tea or coffee. If you follow the habit of drinking more water every day, it can make a difference.

Keeps skin healthy and glowing

The skin is made up of 64.68 per cent of water and has many vital roles. Our skin senses and responds to touch and pressure, protecting body from infections, it balances fluids inside our body and helps regulate body temperature. By drinking ample water, you provide essential nutrients to your skin. Many skin specialists recommend drinking more water to keep skin wrinkle-free and prevent it from ageing. Some microscopic researchers’ say that skin has wrinkles on it, but they aren’t visible on a well-hydrated body.

Skin even loses its elasticity when the body is severely dehydrated. The innermost layer of the skin has oil producing glands that keep your skin moist. Water helps the skin to dilute it, which can wipe off acne and boils on your face and body.

Lubricates joints and muscles

Muscles contain more water than fat. Around 31.56 per cent of water in a human body helps generate fluids in between muscles and joints to lubricate them. This lubricant is full of nutrients and keeps muscles strong and healthy. Ideally, males should consume more water, since they have more skeletal muscles than females. You are likely to get muscle cramps and joint pain, if the body is dehydrated.

Boosts brain activities

The human brain contains 73.33 per cent water. There are neurons and thousands of other cells in your brain that utilize energy to send signals to your body to function. They also require a balance of water. A dehydrated body loses efficiency and energy, resulting in stress and depression. You can lose focus and fail to recall memories over time.

It detoxifies the body

The liver contains 71.46 per cent of water, which acts as a tonic and a natural detoxifier for the human body. Drinking less water can have ill effects on the liver detoxification process, making it difficult for the liver to do its job. Checking the urine colour is the simplest way to know if your body is dehydrated.

Helps pump out blood to your body

There are several ways to cure heart diseases and the easiest one is to drink water. The human heart contains 73.69 per cent water. Consuming less water increases the sodium levels in your body, resulting in dehydration. A dehydrated body is unable to remove excess cholesterol from arteries, which can develop blockages. Drinking sufficient water helps the heart efficiently pump blood through your body.

Removes excess waste from body

Kidneys process blood in your body, removing excess fluids and waste products from the body. The waste in your body accumulates, depending on your diet and physical activity. Insufficient water can make it difficult to remove waste, which can result in kidney stones, swollen legs, decreased urine flow and worse. Water is an easy cure for most problems, while helping you stay fit and healthy.

The thumb rule to stay hydrated is to drink water through the day. We recommend keeping track of how much water you drink, and increase the intake if needed. If you have noticed any symptoms of dehydration, it’s important that you contact your doctor immediately and get his recommendations on improving water intake. If you are someone who does strenuous workouts, or plays sports it’s a good idea to carry an extra water bottle to hydrate yourself every now and then. The importance of clean water is rarely stated, and one of the easiest ways of having a no-frills, unlimited source of water is using a water purifier.